ReviPharma: Gastroenterol

ReviPharma: Gastroenterol with Zinc

Quickly and efficiently rebalances and replenishes the intestinal flora, promoting good intestinal health and improving the general condition of the body.

Gastroenterol is a powerful and natural Probiotic and Prebiotic food supplement based on:

  • 26 billions CFU of living lactic ferments that quickly rebalance the intestinal flora:
    • Lactobacillus Acido LAB 7050 (gastro-resistant sporified strain)
    • Saccharomyces Boulardii DBVPG 6763
    • Lactobacillus Acidophilus LA-14
    • Bifidobacterium Lactic BL-04
    • Lactobacillus Paracasei LPC-37
    • Lactobacillus Plantarum LP-115
  • Zinc, an essential trace element that treats acute diarrhea, reduces the incidence of diarrhea in general, boosts the immune system and improves growth.
  • Magnesium carbonate, a mineral salt that has an anti-acid effect, helping keep alive ferments during gastric transit.
  • Fructo-oligosaccharides, an instant fiber that supports the growth of probiotics and helps the bowel movement.
  • Plant extracts (liquorice, mint and chamomile), that provide anti-spasmodic effect and relieve colic symptoms.
  • Hydrophilic vitamins which restore the optimal concentrations of vitamins B complex, helping the energetic metabolism.


  • Has anti-inflammatory properties preventing and alleviating symptoms of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) and general inflammations of the gastrointestinal and respiratory tracts
  • Prevents metabolic acidosis in infants
  • Prevents Oxalate- related diseases
  • Improves skin condition

Is recommended for bottle-fed babies, compensating for the lack of Bifidobacterium that are necessary for the normal growth and the normal development of the immune system.


Can be given to pregnant and breastfeeding women and with antibiotics.

BioTrading: Equidral

A dietary supplement of balanced mineral salts, with Prebiotcs and Zinc, useful in cases such as diarrhea, vomiting and hyper sweating.

Equidral respects ESPGHAN directives:

The electrolyte content after dissolution of one sachet in 250 ml of water is as follows:

  • Sodium 60 mEq/l
  • Potassium 20,44 mEq/l
  • Chloride 28,66 mEq/l
  • Glucse 88,8 mOsm/l
  • Osmolarity 210/220 mOsm/l
  • Kcal 64,4

Characterized by the taste of sweet orange, Equidral complies with the ESPGHAN guidelines (European Society for Paediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition). The effectiveness of Zinc in the treatment of diarrhea is confirmed by UNICEF, which demonstrate a reduction of diarrhea. Zinc also contributes to the normal functioning of the immune system.

Eric Favre

Eric Favre

A natural pediatric range


Children work twice as much as adults on a daily basis. They need energy and nutrients to face the daily challenges of life and the environment, as well as the necessary energy and nutrients they need to grow. Their bodies and minds are “under construction” as they develop physically, mentally and emotionally as human beings. From this perspective, we realise the importance of supporting them by providing their body with the essential nutrients required for this delicate stage of “construction”. The body and mind that develop during childhood and adolescence become the basis for the rest of their lives.

​We observe that a good diet and food supplements are the cornerstone of development and maintenance of good health. Supplementing the diet with vitamins and minerals has become a necessity because firstly we do not eat enough varied food today and, secondly, the food we eat is not as rich as it was 50 years ago. The SPECIAL KID range is made from natural ingredients of the highest quality in formulas designed for children.


Nature, Science, Health

The air we breathe can become a frequent carrier of pollution, as it contains huge amounts of particles, some of which are particularly harmful to the respiratory system. If our respiratory tract does not have mechanism to remove and neutralize them, the nose, the throat, the bronchi and the lungs would be victims of it.

Certain nutritional supplement, plants, minerals, vitamins and probiotics can be used to prevent colds and protect the respiratory tract from external aggressions.

  • Propolis Oligomir: Natural Cough Syrup

It contains Myrtle and Blackcurrant extracts that provide balsamic and emollient activity in the respiratory tract. Myrtle and Mint help relieve sore throat. It helps relieve all types of cough due to the antitusive, expectorant and anti-histamine properties of its natural components.

  • Propolis Oligomir Plus: Natural cough syrup to improve the fluidity of the Bronchial secretions.

It contains extract of Myrtle, Blackcurrant, Sundew, Hedge mustard, Eucalyptus and Mint. The Myrtle and Sundew promote the bronchial secretions flow; the Myrtle improves the well-being of the nose and throat. The Eucalyptus and Mint give it a beneficial balsamic effect.

  • Propolis Epid Flu Junior: syrup to improve the body’s natural defenses.

It contains Propolis, Echinacea, Acerola juice, Vitamin C and Eucalyptus; which boost the immune system, prevent against cold and flu, relieve runny nose and maintain a healthy respiratory tract.

  • Propolis Epid Junior Nasal Spray: helps breathing
    • Does not contain vasoconstrictors
    • Is not addictive
    • Suitable for frequent use

Epid Nasal Spray is a propolis based product with high polyphenols content, Myrrh, Mallow, Chamomile, Aloe Vera, Sea Salt, Eucalyptus, Mint and Pine; which have soothing and protective properties.

  • Propolis Epid Oral Spray: for the well-being of the throat.

It contains 100% allergen-purified Propolis for strong antimicrobial protection, wild cure for cushion relief, lemon and Acerola juice a rich source of Vitamin C.

It’s natural alcohol free composition combined with the delicious strawberry flavor makes it ideal for children.


  • Ideal for the treatment of runny nose, bronchitis, pharyngitis and intense cough.
  • Softens the dried throat and nose.
  • Stimulates and strengthens the immune system.
  • Increases the white blood cells and improves blood circulation.
  • Promotes anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, anti-microbial, antibiotic, anti-fungal and antiviral properties.
  • Leni Complex Gel: is suitable for joint pain as it contains Devil’s claw, Boswellia, Capsicum and Meadowsweet. Specifically, Devil’s claw’s mainly used to treat the symptoms of arthritis. Boswellia has anti-inflammatory properties, and Capsicum used to relieve muscle, nerve and osteo-arthritic pain.
    • Suitable for inflammatory joints conditions
    • 100% herbal formula
    • It doesn’t stain the clothes

Epi Stick: cosmetic treatment for the lips, made with EPID Propolis providing emollient, soothing, restoring and protective effects.